Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tips for Buying Sheds

Author: Jenny Austin

If you are frustrated with your garage being cluttered up with tools and gardening equipment you may well be considering purchasing a garden shed. It is surprising how widely the prices can vary and requires some thought and planning on your part. You might be in need of some outside workspace, for which a shed is an ideal solution and will allow you the space to become an enthusiastic tool collector.

If you are looking to buy a shed recognise the uses for the shed, if this is not thought through well you may well end up purchasing a shed that is far too small. For example if you forget that you need to store the families bicycles in the shed, these items take up quite a bit of storage room and you could end up with difficulties if you haven’t taken them into account. If you plan to work in your shed think about the sizes of work benches and other equipment you might use and remember to allow yourself room to work you don’t want to be sawing and banging your elbow! Most people store lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, basic gardening tools, garden furniture and children’s outdoor toys in their shed. Sometimes it is necessary to buy a shed to slot into a space; if this is the case it is important to allow enough spare room for any overhang from the roof. It is vital that measurements are correct otherwise the shed simply won’t fit (a expensive mistake), if the shed needs to slot into a specific space it will require good planning to ensure you can store as much as possible in the shed and still have access to everything.

Many people fail to realise how much room is needed in the shed doorway, for bulky items it may be worthwhile purchasing a shed with an extra-wide or double door which allows total flexibility. Remember to allow enough room in the shed height for you to stand up comfortably, especially if you will be working in the shed for long periods of time.

The two most common types of shed are apex roofed or pent style sheds, apex sheds are the most common choice due to their sturdy construction and attractive triangular sloping roof. Pent style sheds have a single sloping roof which is higher at the front than at the back to allow the rain to run off. This style of shed is ideal for those looking for extra head height and is ideally located against your house or a wall.

Think about where to position your shed, bear in mind that shade can be useful as sheds can get incredibly hot inside during the summer months. It may be important to have the shed situated close to your property, especially if you will be using power tool and need access to electricity. You might choose to have a separate power supply to your shed especially if you wish to work in the shed during the evenings; enquiries and plans for power should be made before purchasing your shed.

About the Author:

Jenny Austin is an expert in Sheds , for further information on how to choose your Wooden Shed , or which Garden Shed service to choose please visit beastsheds.co.uk.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-and-family-articles/tips-for-buying-sheds-764096.html

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