Monday, July 27, 2009

pile of wood

Here's some good news for the lazy gardener. If you have a pile of wood and / or branches sitting in a corner of your yard which you have been meaning to burn or clear for the past few weeks but haven't got around to doing it...then don't!
Just leave it where it is because it will be teeming with wildlife, and most of the animals and insects that take refuge there will be doing a great deal of good work in the garden while you are sitting inside on your big bottom watching reruns of American Idol. If the pile is in a relatively shady, damp, sheltered spot then so much the better. Frogs, toads, insect-eating beetles, bumblebees and centipedes will all gratefull make themselves at home in your wood pile.
Evan Lloyd 14KT Gold Tree Frog Navel Stud

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