Monday, July 27, 2009

what type of soil do you have?

It's often difficult for the beginner gardener to work out exactly what type of soild they have in their garden. To the inexperienced eye, most dirt is just that: dirt!

Ideally, you want your soil to be an equal balance of clay, sand and organic matter. You can determine the nature of your soil by performing this simple test: Fill about a third of a clear bottle with some soil, but make sure it comes from at least one foot down as the topsoil may have had compost and other material heaped on it over the years. Pour in another third of water and give the bottle a good shake before leaving it to settle. The heavier sand will sink to the bottom pretty quickly and the organic matter will float atop, while the finer sands and clay will take much longer to settle.

If you check the bottle a few hours later, you will get a good idea of what makes up your garden soil, and you can act accordingly to correct the balance.

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